100% profits from every Merch for Good products helps young people living with, through and beyond cancer

We hate waste, so we only make what we sell. Saving millions of litres of water and 100,000s of tees from going to landfill

Exclusive t-shirts that you won't find anywhere else, designed and donated by some of the world's greatest musicians

"Many of the people I love most in the world have suffered from cancer. Physical problems aside, I have seen the psychological and social side effects surrounding it overwhelm them. If each t-shirt goes a little way towards helping someone find their footing, it’s a huge win."
Dave Bayley
Glass Animals

“Trekstock is a great charity - I am delighted to be involved in their new Merch For Good Range”
Robert Smith
The Cure

"Trekstock does incredible work to support young people with cancer. We are happy to get involved and offer this exclusive t-shirt for World Cancer Day to help raise some money for this effort."
Nothing But Thieves

“I’m delighted to be able to offer Trekstock some exclusive Melanie C merch. It’s a fantastic charity, doing great work and I totally love the concept!”
Melanie C

“We’re honoured to be asked to be part of such a good cause. Cancer is a scourge that has caused sorrow to each and every one of us. Here’s to the day, hopefully soon, when it’s defeated.”
Jesse Quin

"As someone who grew up with cancer affecting those around me, you gauge a scope for not just the physical effects, but also the psychological toll it can take on an individual. This is a project and subject that is extremely close to my own heart. "
Olli Appleyard
Static Dress

"A massive thanks to Merch For Good & Trekstock for giving us the opportunity to help in any way towards their cause. No one should have to fight cancer alone and the impact Trekstock are making in combating this cannot be underestimated. We love this design and we hope you will too!"
The Amazons

"We're honoured to be involved with Merch For Good. Everyone knows someone affected by cancer, and to have it impact your life at a young age is so deeply unfair. We hope in some small way we can help them with the vital work they do."

"Cancer has affected people in all of our lives, so we appreciate this opportunity to be involved with Trekstok. The chance to offer this exclusive shirt design to aid in their fight is very special to us."
A Will Away
From indie icons to pop powerhouses, metalheads to singer-songwriters, we've got a t-shirt for every kind of music lover.